"In Fried’s quirky and unsettling diorama scenes, family dramas and generational traumas play out through arrangements of psychologically and culturally fraught found and collected objects and images, each with the power to contain and transmit both archetypal emotions and specific event memories, enhanced by the effects of her deft juxtapositions and gently surrealist economies of scale.”
Shana Nys Dambrot
Grim Tales: Flashbacks and Fables
February 2023
Interview Cerritos College
Grim Tales: Flashbacks and Fables
“This Place” Interview
Quotidian, Los Angeles, California - January 25 - March 21, 2020
"This Place" Curated by Jillith Moniz
Modern Art Blitz
February 1, 2018
"Visual Resistance" Interview with Mat Gleason at Fullerton College Art Gallery
Modern Art Blitz
July 9, 2017 Interview with Mat Gleason PR
May 2017 Studio Visit with "Big Queer Box" Community TV 22
October 2015 Interview during "Where The Magic Happens" Women in Action/World Woman Foundation
September 2015 Dwora Fried interview with Arlene Krantz 22 minutes Gespräch (OE1)
OE1 Radio Interview with Renata Schmidtkunz December 2013 - Vienna, Austria "Wien is eine Hassliebe. Es ist mir vertraut, aber ich könnte hier nicht mehr leben/Vienna is a hate-love relationship. It is familiar, but I couldn't live here anymore."
Dwora Fried Video Interview (14 minutes)
February 2011 Southern California Women Artists Archival project of University of Southern California and Rutgers University Dwora Fried Video Interview, February 2011
Dwora's work is also located on the following sites:
Southern California Women's Caucus for the Arts: Artist Registry,,,, The